Friday, June 14, 2013 ghd hair straightener aik632

30 million, which added together is 60 million. Enough to be returned to Chu Jie sum! Fat side of the 50 million gold allocated to Chu Jie side: also these! The rest, ghd straighteners and then slowly think of ways! Chu Jie I was not to see how money, just around looked tune laughed: how pen fiscal, please ghd hair straightener come here ah! Is not it a bit stingy? The fat quickly explained: This is not the New Year? Other hotel can not find a place? Or tomorrow... Speaking of fat suddenly think of it, came into the game before the mother had told him, and said relatives at home tonight to be in the basaltic City Wangjianglou together.

Chu Jie see the fat the way, seems to think of something important, tentatively asked: What happened to you? The fat man shook his head. How to say today he Chu Jie find out, unreasonable so people leave here, ah! There are their own relatives how late it does not matter! The starting point of the fat is good, but he seemed not very good at lying, lie speaking people at a glance. Chu Jie: ghd hair straighteners if really in a hurry to go to busy! Big deal that day ghd hair straightener ?

ghd hair straightener Not help ah! Fat full embarrassed, said: nothing serious, is the home of relatives that is to be gathered together, let ghd hair straightener to forget! You still doing here? You really, this kind of thing can forget? Chu Jie also very reasonable, and immediately hurried fat rush as soon as possible. They just walk along the street together, Chu Jie seem habits thrown over the arm of the fat. Successive the Chu Jie Feng tianjiao such leaving fat some habits. So not forward go far to find that a group of people came to the face.

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