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Suo Moya S-35 tanks (SomuaS-35) in the mid-thirties began to equip the French cavalry,louis vuitton outlet, which was the design of the most advanced tanks, turrets, and the body is made ​​of cast iron and steel, with a graceful arc, radios is standard equipment, these unique designs influenced later American Sherman and Soviet T-34 tanks. S-35 tanks, combat weight of nearly 20 tons, crew of 3, thickness 55 mm turret front armor, body armor thickness of 40 mm, the rear of the weakest have 20 mm, the protective effect is quite good.

Eight-cylinder power system is a gasoline engine power of 190 hp and a top speed of 40 km highway. French army a total of more than 400 S-35 tanks,louis vuitton online, but only 243 troops, the rest are parked inside the warehouse. S-35 tanks compared with German rival Pz3 type, firepower and protection are one better, only less power. When the Su Tong Sun was handed over two hundred tanks, the entire thirty-seven military are a sensation, a two tanks are running to find Su Tong, Wang Dayong, especially the number of guards regiment leaving most fierce.

Although it is just a seat only twelve tons was called Xiaodou military -style light tanks, can still give twenty-nine Army brought tremendous casualties. This tank, but there are now twenty tons of medium tanks, ah, how come they have to get hold of dozens of cars Falls bar, you can draw all distracted Su Tong gave one hundred and one teacher. So big in fact we do not want to produce more Executive Suo Moya S-35 tanks, but not later than two years cheap louis vuitton know, the German Panzer IV, Soviet T34 would baked.


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