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Monroe desperately stuck Thomas, ready snatching rebounds. Shua bang the ball into. Then drop it rang loudly, Bynum thugs foul, Korver hit a quarter. Thibodeau quickly took the opportunity to call a pause to prepare the next defensive layout. Bulls players who all flew Korver, excitedly slapping Michael Kors bags body. The audience, all the home fans cheered, ready to greet the final victory in this game. The next time a half minutes left, and this last one and a half, the whole game is the most critical time, the Bulls have to fight, but also to fight the Pistons, as it has hit such an extent that now, both sides are not willing to lose, both sides also are not willing to give up.The remaining one and a half hours, as well as the opportunity to have a chance to win the piston, although very small. 20 seconds short pause was soon ray ban sunglasses uk over, Pistons Bynum is veteran James - Posey traded down, Custer 's intention is clear, two-thirds vote. Thibodeau tactical layout is very simple, defensive piston Michael Kors bags third. After Korver play, continue free throws, just Korver hit the third, when they caused a foul Bynum. Zhou Yi -third standing outside of the circle, sticks with his knee, while restoring the physical, watching Korver free throws, and if Korver free throws, got the rebound one's own, Michael Kors bags also do a good job of playing fast break preparation.

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