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The disadvantage of this approach is that thousands of day too bulky shield, if tailor made ​​void quit even if we can hold it, it is almost filled, unable to recapture its ghd stuff. General thing, it touches the void can be hidden in the stone, and put in his pocket, but the battle commonly used items, or to be placed in the void quit, the better beck and call, so if you want to put it ghd hair straighteners something, you have to be wearing an empty ring - - the hands of a man wearing a ring no problem, if then wear two, three, that's too hinder hand, really inconvenient.

The black void of space domain deposit ring is the ring of ten ordinary vanity, a hundred times, if the ghd nz sale produced, not only to set aside thousands of day shield, but also put more fighting with the matter on the inside, so it is absolutely value for money. However, most of the material field empty black ring is there, producers also have - blue children, Zier, but a core material ghd hair straighteners Star fluid, still not looking for that, and this is still trading Ning Mu frequented reasons. Now the world who gathered, it is a good time to find the material, otherwise missed this, do not know when the Star was able to get it.

Positive forward, suddenly, I heard howling cry, sounded in the distance, the eyes of the people around are attracted in the past. It sounds strange, even revealing a trace of madness, let Ning Mu frowned. Because it sounds, even let ghd hair straighteners a kind familiar feeling. Through the crowd, and soon, Ning Mu came to a clearing in front of the scene, one uncover his head hair and scruffy beard guy, being yelled exclaimed, dancing, to introduce people to the hands of the things ghd hair straighteners this immortality, absolute masterpiece unparalleled, unmatched, ha ha, you do not try one ?


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